Wednesday, March 31, 2010


For this week's project I decided to memorize another scripture. The scripture that I chose is Moroni 10:1-5.

This has been my favorite scripture for as long as I can remember. It corresponds with my favorite children's, ponder, and pray.

The process that we have of receiving revelation is so easy and simple!! If we search the scriptures, ponder on the things we have read, and pray to know that they are true then we will gain a testimony and be able to find our answers better in the scriptures!! I love these verses because they are so important and essential but so straightforward!!

I recited the scripture to my friend who is in town and we discussed why it is my favorite scripture. She found it interesting that this simple process can impact someone so profoundly and change someone's life so much.

If we all remember this simple process and use it often, we will be happier and have a stronger testimony of the truthfulness not only of this gospel but of the Book of Mormon and the importance of it in our lives.

Ether 6-9

For class today I read Ether 6-9.

Ch. 6 -- It is interesting to think that these people made it to America in boats that they couldn't steer!! Oh how wonderful is the power of God!! He prepared and provided the way for them to come to the promised land. We are so blessed to have His help in this journey through life.
Ch. 7 -- The never ending pride cycle continues in this chapter. The people arrive in America and are so blessed because of their faith...and then it all goes down hill!! How is it that with all of the obvious blessings from their Heavenly Father, that these people can become so wicked and prideful!?
Ch. 8 -- I wish that the people would learn from their ancestors that secret combinations and murders never work out well for those who plan them!! Nations are destroyed and people wiped off the face of the earth because of their wickedness. God is powerful and He will provide if we are righteous and follow His commandments...the people need to realize that they do not know better than Him.
Ch. 9 -- The people never realize that their wicked actions cause pain and suffering in their lives. The continue to murder and deceive their brethren. It is hard to feel sorry for them when we know that they have the answers to their problems!! They have prophets, there are righteous people there, they have the scriptures -- what is their excuse!??!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Ether 1-5

For class today I read Ether 1-5.

Ch. 1 -- This chapter is a perfect example of the power of prayer and faith in our Heavenly Father! The people are confused and having a hard time because they cannot understand each other and the brother of Jared prays unto the Lord for help. In times of trial if we but remember who is looking out for us and ask Him for help, we will not be confused and we will be guided.
Ch. 2 -- When there isn't light in the boats, the brother of Jared prays unto the Lord to know what to do. I love that the Lord responds by asking the brother of Jared what he would have the Lord do. We need to remember that, yes the Lord will help us and answer our prayers, but sometimes we need to go to Him with an exact question and ask for His help that way. Asking for general help can be helpful but if we do not ask Him for help with exactly what we need...we won't always receive the help we expect.
Ch. 3 -- The faith that a man can have is amazing!! The brother of Jared thought it out and realized that God can do anything. The idea that he had for lighting the ships is amazing! He had such faith to know that Heavenly Father could light those stones for them and that they would have light. If we all would have faith in our Heavenly Father like the brother of Jared did, we could accomplish anything!!
Ch. 4 -- One thing that I have struggled with is writing in my journal...this chapter helps me realize that is really is amazingly important!! The things that happen to us everyday are blessings! We need to write them down and what we have learned so that we can teach our children and grandchildren the wonderful lessons we have learned. If we do not...we will forget
Ch. 5 -- Heavenly Father loves us so much!! I hope people realize how true this is!! With conference coming up I believe it more than ever! In this chapter we are told that the Lord has provided us with witnesses to preach the truthfulness of the things which we is such a blessing to know that we have the 3 witnesses out in the world somewhere preaching the gospel and also that we have the prophet and the apostles!! I love that we have all of the tools we need to be happy and to return to Him again!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Project woot woot!!

Hey!! So for this week's project I wrote about the pattern of repetition in the Book of Mormon focusing on the repetition of repentance. I learned a lot from looking at the different scriptures and different ways that repentance was preached in the scriptures. Below is my essay!! I hope you enjoy!!!

Many patterns are found in the scriptures. Repetition is one of the patterns most commonly found. Also common in the Book of Mormon is the concept of repentance. Repentance is preached throughout the Book of Mormon several times. The repetition of this idea and commandment gives to the reader a better understanding of how important repentance really is.
For the first project I did in this class, I memorized Moroni 7:10-11. I love this scripture because it says that in order to follow Christ you can’t be doing bad things. This scripture to me is an excellent example of the repetition of repentance in the scriptures. The concept of being good in order to do good is a key part of repentance and is manifested heavily in this scripture.
In 3 Nephi chapter sixteen Christ preaches to the people of the importance of repentance. He says that if the people will repent and turn unto Him that they will greatly blessed. He also explains what will happen if the people do not repent. He simply says that if they do not repent that He will “suffer them…[I] shall treat them down, and they shall be as salt that hath lost its savor, which is thenceforth goof for nothing but to be cast out.”
The importance of repentance, although it is repeated often, can sometimes be abstract and symbolic. Many times the Lord will use the reference of good fruit, bad fruit. In 3 Nephi chapter fourteen, Christ explains to the people that good trees bring forth good fruit and bad trees bring forth bad fruit. Some may not recognize this as a message about repentance but this is how I interpreted it. If we are doing bad things in our lives then we cannot do that which is right and impact the lives of those around us. Repentance is a magnificent process that can turn us from bad trees into good trees.
More often than not, when repentance is preached in the Book of Mormon, the people are wicked and are told to repent or be destroyed. In Ether chapter eleven the people are wicked and the prophets are preaching repentance to them. The prophets are telling the people that because of their wickedness they will be destroyed. These people rejected the words of the prophets and were destroyed. It is interesting to me to think that these people not only had one modern prophet but they had many, yet they still rebelled and refused to listen. If the people had repented then they wouldn’t have been destroyed.
Helaman chapter seven once again is about the importance of repenting. The people are told that they must repent or perish. The prophet is prophesying to them the things that they must do for eternal happiness and progression and it is as simple as repenting for their sins and turning to their Heavenly Father. These people refuse to listen and do not realize the heartache and trouble they are bringing upon themselves and their posterity.
I have always recognized that the Book of Mormon is highly repetitious. I also have known that one of the most repeated topics is repentance. By doing this project though, I have recognized even better how the message is the same without fail. Nothing differs. The people are wicked and will be destroyed if they do not repent. The prophets are the ones preaching repentance to the people. We can easily compare this to our lives today. As youth in the church, we are constantly under attack by the adversary. It is not always easy to resist. Because our Heavenly Father loves us He has given us the wonderful opportunity to repent and be forgiven for our sins. I am so thankful that I am able to repent when I have done wrong and that I have the Book of Mormon as a wonderful example and testimony of the power of repentance.
I shared this essay with my friend LeAndra. It helps me to share my thoughts and feelings with other people so that I can get their feedback on the topic and understand how they feel. LeAndra shared with me that she is also thankful for repentance and that she is grateful for the opportunity that we have to go to our Father in Heaven and ask for forgiveness. She also told me that she knows our Heavenly Father loves us because He lets us learn from our mistakes and come to Him when we are ready.

Mormon 8-9

For class today I read Mormon chapters 8 and 9.

Ch. 8 -- In this chapter I find it really interesting that it explicitly says that we need to study and read Isaiah. Isaiah is really hard for a lot of people to understand...especially me. But I know that the things written in there and the prophesies that he gives to us will help us through this life and with the things that we will encounter on this journey.
Ch. 9 -- I love that we have modern revelation!! This chapter is just so amazing with the revelation that is given. We are so blessed to have the knowledge that we do and to have a prophet who speaks with God and who cares about us so much. Everything that we are given -- the scriptures, conference, patriarchal blessings -- comes from our Heavenly Father because He loves and cares for us. It is so great in my life to know that I always have someone who is here for me when I need Him.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Mormon 1-7

For class today I read Mormon 1-7.

Ch. 1 -- It is amazing to me that these people are so blessed and have been given so much from the Lord yet they still turn wicked. They are vain and proud and claim credit for all that they have. After all that they have seen, witnessed, and heard, how is it that they forget so easily?? Also amazing to me is the fact that a 10 year old boy is the most righteous out of all of the people!! Once again we are told (in a round about way) that we should be like children...humble, meek, submissive.
Ch. 2 -- They Nephites have appointed 16 year old Mormon to lead their armies. I think that is the most amazing thing!! breaks my heart, like it does Mormon's, that the people are suffering so much because of their wickedness but they do not repent and come again unto Christ, they curse God instead. These people have seen so many miracles yet they blame God for their suffering now??
Ch. 3 -- Reading this just makes me think really hard about life. These people have been told by a chosen man of God to repent and they will be spared and they refuse. They boast and swear by the heavens that they will avenge their fallen brethren. Do we do this?? We have the way set in front of us and it is easily marked...but do we sometimes refuse?? Do we think that we can find a better path than the one that is in front of us?? We need to remember all that the Nephites did and the end that comes to them.
Ch. 4 -- I don't quite understand how these people can be this ... STUPID!! The Lord has given them so many blessings and has provided a wonderful place for them to live and they know the true gospel yet they rebel and refuse to repent!! The destruction that they see and the battles they lose are in direct correlation to their wickedness. We can learn so much from these people!! We need to remember the Lord and beg for forgiveness!! We will be held accountable and if we do not change our ways now...will we ever??
Ch. 5 -- ...I don't even know where to start!! There is so much destruction falling on the people that Mormon won't even write about it!! If you were there, witnessing these things, would you not pray to Heavenly Father for help and for forgiveness?? I know that I would!! How can they stand idly by and watch their wives and children suffer and be sacrificed and not even think to repent!!?? Just another lesson for us to learn from.
Ch. 6 -- Out of about 230,000 Nephite people, there are only 24 left. Words can't even describe how awful that is!! And to think that all of this could have been prevented had the people not been proud and just repented of their sins and wickedness...
Ch. 7 -- This chapter is so simple yet so powerful... Mormon simply tells us what we need to do in order to return to Heavenly Father. Repent, be baptized, know where we come from, give thanks unto God for our blessings...such simple things that mean so much and will change our lives!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


For my weekly project I wrote an essay about the topic peace. It was really interesting to see how many times peace is spoken of in the scriptures and the fact that all of the references are different situations and different types of peace. Below is a copy of the essay.

In 4 Nephi 1:4 it says, “And it came to pass that the thirty and seventh year passed away also, and there still continued to be peace in the land.” For this assignment I have decided to study the topic of peace. In the guide to the scriptures, it says that peace can mean either freedom from conflict and turmoil or the inner calm and comfort born of the Spirit that God gives to His faithful Saints. Peace is an important part of the scriptures. It is referenced many times after a war or conflict. The people experience peace in their hearts and minds from the Holy Spirit also.
There are many scriptures to choose from that speak of peace. Predominantly, they are words from the Savior unto the people, reassuring them that He is there for them and they should have peace in their souls because of that fact. In Alma 38:8 Alma cried unto the Lord and found peace. Pleading unto the Lord in a time of need is a great way to receive peace and comfort for our troubled and aching hearts. Situations may arise that we never believed would happen and praying to our Heavenly Father and asking for His help is the only way our souls will feel peace and be at rest.
The many ways peace can be described varies from person to person and situation to situation. In Alma 44, the people are told that they shall “fall to the earth except ye will deliver up your weapons of war and depart with a covenant of peace.” Peace in the time of war is a thing wished and prayed for but rarely ever seen. Peace comes during these times from the faith we have in our savior Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. In the Book of Mormon, many wars ensued and a large amount of the time, there was not peace in the land. This was due largely to the wickedness of the people. Peace for a community or people comes from their righteousness and their obedience to the commandments from our Heavenly Father.
One of my favorite stories in the Book of Mormon is the story of Moroni and the title of liberty. On that title of liberty Moroni wrote, “In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace…” Although there isn't peace during a battle or fighting, peace should be one thing that we are willing to fight for and something that we indeed do fight for. Heavenly Father wants us to feel peace in our lives but because of our agency this doesn't always happen. We need to be willing to fight for that peace that we are entitled.
In Helaman 5, a cloud of darkness is overshadowing many people. They are scared and crying unto the Lord and into the Heavens. Suddenly they hear the words, as if whispered, “Peace, peace be unto you, because of your faith in my Well Beloved, who was from the foundation of the world.” Peace from the Lord does indeed come through the darkness into our hearts and lives and calms us. We have a loving Father in Heaven who cares so much for us. If we turn to Him with our troubles, He will give us peace in our lives.
I have gone through many things in my life and have not always felt the peace that can come from our Heavenly Father. But when I have felt it, it is the greatest blessing anyone could ever receive. To know that the feelings of peace we feel occasionally in this life will be a constant companion during the millennium is such a blessing in my life. It helps me know that the trials and troubles we are experiencing now will not always be here. We are loved and peace will be given to us if we obey the commandments that are put in front of us. There are many different types of peace that we can enjoy. It may not always be peace on earth or in our souls; I can’t even imagine the many ways we experience peace in our lives. What I do know is that we do experience it and that it is contingent upon our righteousness. God loves us and will bless us with this wonderful gift if we obey His commandments and live in the way He would have us live.

4 Nephi

For class today I read 4 Nephi.

There is only one chapter and it is a pretty intense chapter. Christ has just left the people and they are so righteous and everyone is happy!! I don't get how they can go from this state of happiness to wickedness so quickly!! I am so excited for the time when Christ comes again to have years of happiness with no pain or sorrow!! But then I think about how once it is over everything begins to be wicked again. It breaks my heart to think that my children will have to live in a world that is wicked and scary. I just want joy to be in their lives and for happiness to cover the whole earth. That will only come through Christ and I just wish that everyone could see it like we do as members of this church!! We have the true knowledge and the opportunity to have real happiness!! We need to share this with those whom we love because there will come a day when they will ask us why we did not share what we knew...we will be held accountable...

Happiness is in our reach!! We need to strive for it and live how Heavenly Father and Christ would have us live!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

3 Nephi 27-30

For class today I read 3 Nephi 27-30.

Ch. 27 -- In this chapter, I really liked that Christ told everyone to do everything in His name. The church is His church because we do things in His name. We should keep that in mind as we go throughout the day. Are our actions respectful to His name? Are we living in a way that He would be proud of us? Everything about our lives should be centered around Him.
Ch. 28 -- I love this chapter!! The three Nephites are given the chance to see into the Heaven's and to hear wonderful things that we can't even imagine!! These remarkable men were so righteous and they preached to all the people in all of the lands. They were thrown into prison and into fires and nothing harmed them!! It is amazing to think that they have been around since that time and have seen Jesus Christ and into Heaven!! I wish that I could meet with them and talk with them and feel the spirit that they have surrounding them!!
Ch. 29 -- Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have promised us eternal happiness if we follow Their commandments. Trials come and tear us down but they build us up stronger afterwards. The pain we feel during our trials will only make us stronger. In this chapter, Jesus promises us that He will be here for us if we but ask Him for help. During this time it is important that we all realize this. Tough times are coming...worse than we have ever experienced before...we need to have Him in our thoughts and hearts and know that with His help we can overcome.
Ch. 30 -- In this chapter, Christ tells the people to turn away from their worldly obsessions and turn to Him. It is hard to imagine the people would have to be told to do this when they have just seen Christ, the Savior of the world!! If we put all of our trust and faith in Him our lives will be so much better!! We need to forget the worldly things that surround us and rely fully on Him!! Every decision we make should be made with His guidance!! We always need to remember the things He has done for us and the wonderful life we have because of Him and our Heavenly Father. They love us so much and will do anything for us!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Weekly Project

For my project today, Julius and I watched a movie called Journey of Faith. A couple of weeks ago I watched the second video which was about the journey to the Americas. I really enjoyed this movie because it set up the basis for the whole Book of Mormon. It described in detail the journey of Nephi and his family and the struggles that they went through to follow God's commandments. I really enjoyed looking at the places that they traveled to and how impressive their journey really was. It builds my testimony of the Book of Mormon when I can see exactly where they were and what they were going through as I read it.
Julius and I discussed the movie and he shared with me his thoughts. He told me how it strengthened his testimony about God's power and how powerful faith really is. Also, he told me that it opened his eyes to how terrible this trip really was and that they did it because of their strong faith in their Heavenly Father.
One point that we both discussed was how the video gave strong proof that Joseph Smith could not have made up the Book of Mormon. He had no knowledge of the places that Nephi and his family traveled and no knowledge of the land of Arabia. It is such a testimony builder to know that God provided a way for Nephi to travel safely and for his record of the journey was provided for us in these days. It is so amazing to know that God has provided us with all of these wonderful things and that they were divinely inspired for us at this time.

3 Nephi 23-26

For class today I read 3 Nephi 23-26.

Ch. 23 -- This chapter is very simple and straight forward. The scriptures were written for us today by inspired men of God. The things that we read about are not just stories...they are real events. Christ tells the people that they need to study these things diligently. In our own lives we need to do that. We need to "feast upon the words of Christ". The scriptures are a blessing straight from our Heavenly Father to help us get through this life and return to Him.
Ch. 24 -- In this chapter, Christ explains to them the importance of tithes and offering. I have such a testimony of this!! Of the many things that Heavenly Father has given us, He only asks a mere 10%!! I know that if we give this 10% willingly, knowing that it is for Heavenly Father and the church, that we will be blessed for our sacrifice. We need to not covet that money, even if we are going through a rough time, because the Lord will provide for us if we obey Him.
Ch. 25 -- In this chapter Christ gives some signs of the Second Coming. Also, He warns the people of what will happen if they will not believe on Him. I am so thankful that we have the true knowledge of Christ's church!! I sometimes wonder what my life would be like if I did not. There are so many questions that in other circumstances I might have had, but that I know the answers to because of this church. It is just the greatest feeling to know that God loves us and is here for us and has given us the knowledge of Him and our potential.
Ch. 26 -- I love this chapter because Christ lets the children teach their parents. I don't think we realize how much we learn from our parents and can teach them. In the child parent relationship, there are rolls that both play. The parent obviously teaches and helps the child but the child has to do the same. Christ lets the children preach to their parents of the things they know and the chapter even says they were greater than anything He had told them thus far. It is just so important that we realize everyone is a child of God and has thoughts and feelings and a testimony. Everyone has something to share and we need to listen because we may learn something amazing from them that could change our lives.

Monday, March 08, 2010

3 Nephi 20-22

For class today I read 3 Nephi 20-22.

Ch. 20 -- As I was reading this chapter I was listening to my iPod. One of my favorite songs came on, it is by a band named Mae and the song is called "We're so Far Away". This song is about Christ and His coming. It was really good to listen especially while reading this chapter. I loved in this chapter that Christ reminded the people that every prophet that had come before He came prophesied about Him and His coming. It is also amazing to think that every prophet since He came to this earth has prophesied His second coming. That is such an obvious sign to anyone that He exists, that we have a loving Heavenly Father, and that we also have modern prophets!! How could anyone deny that!? It is right in our faces!!!
Ch. 21 -- I love in this chapter that Christ very plainly tells the people that those who do not repent and come unto Him, Heavenly Father will take away everything from them and destroy their homes and lands and EVERYTHING!! I don't love that these people will be destroyed, but I love that in this church and the scriptures, the consequences are out in front of us. We do not have to wonder what will happen if we do this or that, we KNOW what will happen. This is another sign to me that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love us!! They care so much for us that they will tell us the things we need to do and also, they will warn us of the consequences of not following their commandments.
Ch. 22 -- This chapter is amazing!! Christ tells the people, (in a nutshell), "Yeah I have been upset with you and I've wanted to turn away and be mad, but I love you and I will always love you and show mercy and compassion towards you." This is the greatest thing I've ever read!! Christ loves us so much that He forgives us in a blink of an eye!! This is such an example to me!! I have tried to forgive those who have done wrong towards is hard!! But I know that it is possible and worth it!! Also, I am trying to make everything right with those whom I have wronged. It is not easy to admit that you were wrong and to ask for forgiveness, but what is stopping you?? I would try and come up with excuses for why I was right for what I did, but they are just excuses that I came up with to not look stupid!! We need to forgive everyone and we need to constantly be asking for forgiveness!!

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Project Time

For this weeks project, I read the student manual about chapters 18 and 19 of 3 Nephi. What really hit me in the manual and in these chapters is the importance of the sacrament. Both of these chapters emphasize the importance of the sacrament. In the student manual, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland says,
"We could remember the Savior’s premortal life and all
that we know Him to have done. . . .
“We could remember the simple grandeur of His mortal
birth to just a young woman. . . .
“We could remember Christ’s miracles and His
teachings, His healings and His help. . . .
“. . . We could remember that Jesus found special joy
and happiness in children and said all of us should be
more like them. . . .
“We could remember that Christ called His disciples
friends. . . .
“We could—and should—remember the wonderful
things that have come to us in our lives and that ‘all
things which are good cometh of Christ’ (Moroni
7:24). . . .
“On some days we will have cause to remember
the unkind treatment He received, the rejection He
experienced, and the injustice . . . He endured. . . .
“. . . We can remember that Jesus had to descend
below all things before He could ascend above
them, and that He suffered pains and afflictions and
temptations of every kind that He might be filled with
mercy and know how to succor His people in their
infirmities” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1995, 90–91;
or Ensign, Nov. 1995, 68–69).
I love that Elder Holland reminds of us the things we need to remember while partaking of the sacrament. In chapter 18, Christ tells the people that the purpose of the sacrament is to remember and honor Him. I love that the manual goes into detail about how we can and why we should do this.
In seminary, a lesson was taught to me about the sacrament. I will never forget the important message my teacher gave me that day. He gave us a large amount of horseradish, a piece of lamb roast, and a cup of grape juice. He made us eat the horseradish and then we had to sit there (crying and in lots of pain) and wait for our teacher to let us drink the juice and eat the lamb. After about three minutes, he finally allowed us to drink and eat. The pain immediately went away. At first I did not understand how this lesson had anything to do with the sacrament, and then my teacher said this;
"Every day of the week, we should be yearning to partake of the sacrament like you were yearning for the grape juice and lamb. The trials we go through during the week cause us much pain like the horseradish did and the sacrament takes that all away."

I shared this story in class today with Julius and Rex. We discussed how important it is that we remember Christ and His sacrifice for us and strive to live as He would have us live. Also, we discussed how important it is to look forward to taking the sacrament each week. I loved the input that I got from these two and love the lessons that we learn together.

3 Nephi 17-19

For class today I read 3 Nephi 17-19.

Ch. 17 -- What really hit me in this chapter was that Christ was getting ready to leave and the people all but begged Him to stay!! They know that He brings happiness and they love having Him there and in their lives. They realized that there was a void in their lives and He filled it!! In our lives, we have this same void. We overcome this by reading our scriptures and praying and bringing ourselves closer to Him. He is always here for us and will fill that void and bring happiness to our lives.

Ch. 18 -- The sacrament is so important!! One of the most important things done while Christ was in America was to give the people the sacrament and teach them how. This is one of the greatest blessings in my life!! Every week I am so anxious for church so that I may partake of the sacrament. Remembering Christ's sacrifice for us is so important and we need to partake of the sacrament to help us remember better His sacrifice. Also, listening to the words of the sacrament prayer helps me to realize what I am doing and the importance of it.

Ch. 19 -- We need to recognize how much Christ and our Heavenly Father love us!! In this chapter it is so apparent!! Christ prays to Heavenly Father to thank Him for the gifts the people have been given and then He prayers for the people. It is so important to realize that They know us and love us and want what is best for us. I know that Christ is always praying for us and hoping for the best in our lives!! We truly are blessed to have this knowledge in our lives and to have Christ and Heavenly Father in our lives!!

Monday, March 01, 2010

3 Nephi 15-16

For class today I read 3 Nephi 15-16.

Ch. 15 -- When Christ is explaining to the people that there are "other" sheep and that the Law of Moses had been fulfilled...I can completely understand why they didn't understand. In my life it is very hard to see why things happen. I don't fully understand. I realize that this is normal for everyone...God works in mysterious ways and it is for our benefit...but sometimes I just wish I could know for sure!! I get so frustrated because what I want isn't always what the Lord wants and sometimes it is really hard for me to grasp. I just know that if we put our trust and faith in Him and prayer and study our scriptures, that in time we will understand (somewhat) His reasoning and accept His will better.

Ch. 16 -- As Christ is telling the people that the gospel will reach all four quarters of the earth, I get so happy and excited!! I love missionary work!! My older brother Grant went on a mission and the change that I saw in him was amazing!! He grew so much and was such a better person because of the things that he experienced while on his mission. My brother Peter is currently serving a mission and I have been able to see that change in him also. I would love the opportunity to serve a mission and am contemplating it. I would love to know that I can be an instrument in God's hands, helping to bring His children into the knowledge of the truthfulness of this gospel!! I love knowing that God has a plan and that I have a role in that plan!!