Thursday, April 22, 2010

Washington D.C. here I come!!

Well I am home!! It is so great!! I love Blackfoot!! I did chores with my little brother last night and we took pictures (they are up on my Facebook).

I went to the doctor today for my shoulder. I had surgery on it last July and it hurts worse now than it did before the surgery. Well he doesn't know why so tomorrow morning I am getting an MRI. Direct words from the doctor "normally MRI's don't hurt but this one will. They are going to shove a needle between the ball and the socket of your shoulder. It's going to be painful." So yeah ... I am pretty excited for that ...

While at the doctor's office, I received a call from the internship coordinator in Washington D.C. I applied for the internship and interviewed two weeks ago. Well ... I GOT THE INTERNSHIP!! I am so excited!! I report to the Senate Building on June 1 at 10 a.m. I am so excited!! I wanted this so bad and now I have it!!

My day has been really good!! And it is just going to keep getting better... :)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Home Sweet Home

So I am half-way done with finals!!! I wish the Hallelujah Chorus would be played right now!! :) I get to go home next Wednesday!! YIPEE!!

Home is Blackfoot, Idaho. I know a lot of people that are from there hate it and never want to go back...but I love it!! It is so beautiful and quiet and it is perfect for me!! I miss my mommy and daddy, and especially my little brother Mike!! He is the funniest kid in the whole world and I love him to death! He knows exactly what to say to get everyone smiling and happy...
Funny story...I'm actually texting him right now and I asked him how his day was. He says the following:
"I felt like an Israelite slave, and then dad got mad at me when I yelled 'Let my people go!'" -- See why I love him??

:) I have the greatest family ever and we live in the most amazing house!! I just can't wait to go home!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010


So finals start today...
I can't say I'm excited to take the finals...But I am happy that they are here :)
I have one today, one tomorrow, one Monday, and one Tuesday...then I am done!!!


My daddy is coming to get me on Wednesday and I am so happy to be going home!! I miss my family and my friends so much!! I can't wait to hang out with my little brother :) He is so much fun and he is my best friend!! I get to ride horses (and hopefully break in my colt!), go running and work out everyday, lay out in the sun all day, mow the lawn, go swimming in the river...this summer is just going to be so amazing!!

I haven't heard about my internship yet...but hopefully I will soon!! I am super excited to find out!!!

Life honestly is super good right now!! Let's just hope I can get through these next couple of days without going crazy!! :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

...Bored to Tears

So I am at work right now.
I am very bored.
I started watching Red v. Blue on YouTube because my younger brother loves it.

I now know why he loves it!! I have been laughing so hard the whole time!! It makes me very very happy!!

I get to go home a week from tomorrow and I am SO excited!! I miss my mommy and daddy!! There are so many things I am looking forward to do doing when I get home. The first thing I need to do is tell my parents how much I love them and support them. I never told them that when I was home and I took a lot of things for granted...

They are the greatest parents in the whole world and I am so excited to tell them that!!

Last project

!! This is my last project for this semester!!
I am (pretty much) officially done with one year of college!! YAY!! This year has been such an adventure and I have learned so much from doing these projects!!

For this project, I decided to look back on the semester and see how I integrated what I learned in Book of Mormon with my other classes and vice versa. It is interesting to think that my different classes can all incorporate the scriptures and the Gospel of Jesus Christ in to them. At the beginning of the semester, I wouldn't have been able to see a connection between my classes and the Book of Mormon. But now that it is over and I have seen the change and miracle that the Book of Mormon is, I see a relation in everything. I have not always understood the Book of Mormon, and I am not the best student, but being at this University and actually finally growing up and taking more responsibility for my life, I have understood more than I ever thought I would!! The Book of Mormon has helped me through life's trials in a social and an academic aspect. I know now that I will be able to incorporate the things I learn in one class to the things I learn in another. This class has helped me realize that, more than I even thought was possible.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


So I thought I was friends with someone...
To me that means they are always there for you,
they don't talk shit about you behind your back,
they don't say one thing to your face but tell other people a completely different thing.
That is what a friend is to me.
I guess I need to rethink who I hang out with and talk to...
I don't like this shit and I'm not going to put up with it...

Monday, April 12, 2010


So tomorrow is the last day of this semester!! It is so weird that it is already over!! I am done with my first year of college!! It went by so fast and I have made so many new friends and memories!! It is so weird to think about where I was a year ago and the dreams that I had then...everything is so different now...but it is in such a good way!!
I find out Tuesday or Wednesday if I got my internship in DC...everybody cross your fingers and pray that I get it!! There are so many amazing opportunities in front of me and I can't wait to take advantage of all of them! I am so blessed to have the family that I have and to learn the things that I have and will continue to learn!!
My friends are the best!! I don't know if I tell them just how amazing they are!! They are such a good support for me and they are always there! I love them!
I just have learned so much lately and have gone through so much that I am in shock! I am so happy with everything (except for the up coming attitude about those is TBA)!! Recognizing my true potential and learning from the bumps that come into my life has made me so much stronger!!
Thank you to everyone that has helped me and supported me and loved me!! I owe you more than I can repay you!!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010


For this week's project, I shared my testimony with my friend Von who is on his mission. Because he is on his mission I haven't been able to get feedback yet so I shared it with my friend who is visiting from home.

This class has helped me to realize that I need to not hold back my thoughts and feelings. What I have to say really does matter!! I can impact someone's life because of my testimony!! I have seen it happen! Sharing the knowledge that we have of this church with people is so important!! Can you imagine meeting those whom you didn't share the gospel with in heaven and having them ask you why you didn't share that with them!? It would break my heart! I know that I haven't done it in the past and from this day forward I will always share my gospel with those I meet!! We can't afford not to! If we are happy in this church and with our lives and with the knowledge that we have why are we keeping it to ourselves!? Sharing my testimony really makes it grow more and more because I can feel the spirit and know that what I am saying is the truth!! I wouldn't have it any other way!!

Moroni 1-10

For class today I read Moroni 1-10 and just finished the Book of Mormon!! YAY!! :)

I know that I am supposed to write about every chapter and what I learned but I have to talk about Moroni 10 exclusively. This chapter is my favorite chapter in all of the Book of Mormon. The first nine chapters of this book set it up so perfectly!! Search, ponder, and pray!! The things that have taken place in the Book of Mormon make this concept seem so easy and ridiculous to try!! The things that Joseph Smith went through for us to have this wonderful book are such a testament of how true this church is and how this simple concept really works!! I have such a testimony of this church and the Book of Mormon!! The strategy of reading, thinking, and praying to know that it is true has changed my life more than I think any one could ever imagine!! I am so blessed to be a member of this church and without it in my life I know that I would not be happy!! Without this church I would be lost!! My family has taught me so much and I am so blessed to have the most amazing examples in my life!! I am so thankful for this book and the ways that it helps me better myself and my life so that I may marry in the temple and have an eternal family!! I am so excited for the day when I can return to my Heavenly Father and just embrace Him and thank Him for the life I have been given!! No one can honestly know how much I love this church and what a blessing it is in my life!! I wish that everyone could know how happy I am and that they could share in this joy!! My goal for life is to always show how happy I am because of this church and share this joy with everyone I come in contact with! This is something that I believe everyone should do!! Read the Book of Mormon and pray to know that it is true...BECAUSE IT IS!!

Monday, April 05, 2010

Ether 10-15

For class today I read Ether 10-15.

Ch. 10 -- During this chapter, the kings are still being killed off by their children and the title of 'king' is being passed from person to person. The kings are righteous then the next one is wicked and it continues like that for quite a while. I know that we are blessed to have leaders of our church that are righteous and have the power from God to lead us correctly.
Ch. 11 -- This chapter is a typical theme throughout the Book of Mormon. The Jaredite destruction is prophesied about unless they repent and the people reject the prophets. Notice that it is prophetS ... more than one. How can the people have more than one prophet from God preaching to them about repentance and the destruction that will happen and not listen?? It is crazy to me...
Ch. 12 -- To think that the reason we are given wickedness and trials in our lives is to be more humble is amazing to me!! I love that Heavenly Father loves us so much that He gives us ways to be closer to Him and to learn from our mistakes and trials!! We are so blessed to have this church!!
Ch. 13 -- These people just don't get that they have a prophet from God preaching to them!! They cast out the one person that actually cares for their well being and is trying to help them return to our Heavenly Father!! I just honestly don't understand how they can do it!! I can't imagine my life without the prophet and without the atonement and this church let alone imagine myself casting out the prophet!!
Ch. 14 -- The cycle never ends!! They people are so righteous and doing what they are supposed to and then they start to be stupid and kill prophets and cast them out and war is raged and the people are destroyed...and then it starts all over again! It breaks my heart to see these people destroy their lives because they are too proud to change their ways. It just goes to show that if you let satan in to your life then destruction is all that you will experience.
Ch. 15 -- The end of the is so sad that these people were slain and it was so unnecessary!! The Lord provided such an easy way for them to get out of their wickedness yet they chose death and destruction. It makes me sad to think that this is actually happening in our society and will inevitably happen to this world!! It is an eye opener to me and hopefully to every other member of the church that we have to change our ways and help those around us realize the truth!!