Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!!!

Well it is 5:40 am on Christmas day...and I can't sleep. This would be perfect if we were all still little. We always woke up at 6 on Christmas but now that we are older, the tradition doesn't stand so strong. We are waiting on my cute little niece to wake up so we can go upstairs.

She is SOOOOO excited for Santa to come. She couldn't stop talking about it last night. She is adorable.

Man I love my family. It is so good to have almost everyone home. I just wish that Madi, Will, and John could be here. Maybe next year that is what Santa will bring me.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Open Your Eyes...

Ha well I just got done playing Robot Unicorn Attack...that is where the name of this post comes from.

I'm bored with my life. All I do is work. I'm taking a semester off which will be nice but I want to travel around but that is impossible to do because of my job!! Grrrrr.

Life for me is boring. I wake up. Go to work. Come home. Sleep. Repeat. It gets old. I don't have any friends around here that I can hang with and I get so sick of it. I wish I was going to school with Brianne and Kamrie and Shae :[.

Von came home off his mission. (If you don't know about Von ... it's a long story). I got to see him on Sunday which was really nice. Hopefully he'll come up here soon and we can hang out.
Well that is it for me today. Have a wonderful day.