Tuesday, September 03, 2013

13 Days and Counting

Well people...13 days until classes start again.

I'm officially a Senior! Weird...

I've been doing this for way way WAY too long. I can't wait to be done and start moving on with my life. I hate school so much. I'm just sick of it. My schedule this semester won't be bad but still.

Well the Eastern Idaho State Fair is in town...yipee. Not. I hate the fair. I only ever really enjoyed it when I had to do 4-H and showing my sheep and pigs. That was fun for me and I enjoy going back to watch the shows. I enjoy eating Pronto Pups and Scone Nuggets. But I DO NOT like the crowds. I don't ride the rides. I don't go to the concerts or motocross or horse races. Those things aren't fun for me.

So now that I've said that...I was at the fair yesterday for twelve hours. Shoot me. I went to the sheep shows at 0800 which was awesome. I guessed all the winning rams and ewes in the Hampshire and Suffolk classes. I'm so cool. Ha :] After that I went home for about a half hour to change because it was down pouring outside. Then I made my way back in with my parents.

I hung out with some friends and we walked around for a long long LONG time which was fun. I love my friends. But when they were on the rides and stuff I just stood there. It sucked. Those things just aren't fun for me and I don't understand how people can spend so much money on these things. It just doesn't make sense to me.

Finally after my friends went home I tracked my parents down so that we could leave. Yeah an extra hour later when I finally got them to leave... *sigh* I have blisters all over my feet and I'm just exhausted...still.

I had some idiot try and stop me from walking through the bunny barn. He said "You can't have that dog in here (referring to Rogue, my SERVICE DOG). You need to go around." I looked at him and said "She's my service dog, you can't tell me I can't be in here." Well he proceeded to tell me he could and that if the bunnies got one whiff of Rogue they would freak out blah blah blah. Yeah that was like the hundredth time I'd walked through the bunny barn and the bunnies couldn't have cared less. Stupid rabbit guy.

My dad told him what's what though. It was awesome. Idiots.

Some people are so ignorant. I mean really. I can't even tell you how frustrated I am with stupid people. I have a service dog for a reason people. She is my equivalent of a wheelchair. Would you tell someone in a wheelchair that they couldn't be near the bunnies because the wheels would scare them? No you wouldn't. People don't use their brains. Yes Rogue is a dog. And yes normal dogs would try and kill the rabbits (because rabbits are stupid, useless creatures). But Rogue is not a normal dog. She is not a pet. She does not chase animals. She does not act like a regular dog. She is trained specifically to help me out and if you used any of the few brains cells you had you would realize that.

Sorry I can be mean about this sometimes. I just get so annoyed with how rude people are to me about it. Being told I can't be somewhere sucks (even though I can still be there and legally they can't tell me that.) Being asked what's wrong with me sucks. I get stared at like a circus freak all day everyday. People talk about me within hearing distance. I stand there and hear them and they don't seem to realize that I can hear every word that they say about me. No one ever talks to me...they just talk about me. They point and stare constantly.

I've gotten to the point where I do it back to them. I know that sounds rude but it is exactly what they are doing to me. When they see me staring, pointing and talking about them you can see it click in their brains that what they are doing is completely inappropriate, rude and inconsiderate.

*Sigh* One day I'll be surrounded by people who aren't completely stupid and ignorant. Until then I guess I just have to deal with it... :/

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