Saturday, March 29, 2014

How Can I Miss Him This Much...?

Taylor left on his mission on the 12th. It seems like he's been gone for a thousand years yet it's only been seventeen days. Ugh. This sucks.

Don't get me wrong, I'm so proud of him and the work he is doing but time seems to be dragging on forever. I thought my little brother's mission was taking a long time to pass but this beats that exponentially!!

I miss him so much. I can't even put in to words how much I miss him...or why. I know why but at the same time I'm not really sure if I do. That sounds weird, I know, but it's hard to explain.

There are so many things that I miss that I can't even make a list (I've tried believe me...easier said than done).

Why does this have to be so hard? Why can't it be easy like all of the other times I've sent boys out on missions? I've never experienced this feeling before and I hate it.

Make time go by faster.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Apparently I'm Going to Get Shot ...

So I got a text from Taylor on about 0100. This is how our conversation went:

T: Su I just had a dream about you.
S: Yeah? What was it about?
T: We were out at the movies and a guy came in and starting shooting up the place and he shot us.
S: Oh no! Did we die?
T: I don't know...I woke up as soon as he shot us.
S: That's a very sad dream...
T: Yeah, I know... there is that conversation. But wait, it gets better!! This morning on our way to institute my mom tells me she couldn't sleep because she kept having the same dream. Here is how that conversation went:

M: I'm so tired. I couldn't sleep last night at all.
S: How come?
M: Every time I fell asleep I had the same was terrible.
S: What was it about?
M: I don't know where we were but some guy came up and shot you in the head and Mike in the stomach.
S: Seriously!? Why is everyone dreaming that I'm going to get shot!? Taylor had a dream I got shot, too!!

So...apparently I'm going to get shot. Good news is that it won't be for at least another two years (because Mike and Taylor both have to be home from their missions).

Yeah...something to look forward to haha