Thursday, January 20, 2011

It's been a while... I am!!

It has been a really long time since I've written

Update on life: School has started again (yay...NOT!!), I'm 20 now :), I cut my hair...and my nose is broken and I'm getting surgery on Monday.

My niece was sitting on my lap last Monday and started laughing and being adorable, like always, when she threw her head forward into my face. I don't know if it was a reaction to her laughing or if she was leaning forward for a kiss but *KABLAM!!* right in the nose!!

The left side is broken and I can't breathe out of the left side at all. I'm in a lot of sucks but what do ya do!?

I googled the procedure...bad idea.

Here is the link to the video...

Yeah that happens to me on Monday

AGH!!!! Not looking forward to the pain I'm going to be in...

Well enjoy!! I'll probably put up pictures :)