Tuesday, January 14, 2014

One Month Later

Well it's been exactly one month since I last posted. I'm lazy.

What has happened since then?

Well I got my MRI. They did the wrong hip. I got another MRI. Couldn't find anything. I'm in a lot of pain still. It hurts to sit, to lie down, to walk; everything hurts. Thank goodness for pain killers.

I'm going to institute on Thursdays here in Blackfoot and tomorrow (Wednesday) I start a new institute class in Pocatello. It is one of the classes needed to teach seminary. It will transfer to BYU-I and help me out a lot with getting these requirements done before I graduate.

Speaking of graduating...I graduate this year!! So weird!! Man ridiculous...

Also, I turned 23 last week...that is also very weird.

I'm growing up...I don't like it. I wish that I could go back to being little and not have any of the stresses and responsibilities that I have. Life was so much easier.

Oh well...it is what it is. I'll just suck it up and move on.

Wish me luck...haha