Thursday, June 09, 2011

Wow...Long time, no write

Well people...I am soooooo sorry it has been forever since I've written.

Let me catch you up on my life.

Still struggling with things emotionally and mentally. I've been diagnosed with Bi-Polar 2 and an anxiety disorder. I am still have trouble dealing with my diagnosis because Bi-Polar is genetic. This means I have a huge chance of passing it on to my future children. Great mother I'm going to be. Anyway I'm still going to counseling and that has helped a lot. We are working on getting me on the right meds right now so that I can deal with everyday life. I haven't been sleeping which sucks. I go to bed way early (7.30 or 8) and wake up early (5 am or so...last night: 11 pm). After I wake up I can't go back to sleep for hours and when I do fall back asleep I wake up every half hour. Ugh it sucks sooooo much.

I visited my best friends Kamrie, Brianne, and Shaelyn up in Rexburg at BYU-Idaho. I had a BLAST!!! I had such a good time and met some amazing people. Well...after I got home and talked with my parents...I applied to attend BYU-I this winter and I will be rooming with Kam, Bri, and Shae!!! I am sooooooo excited!!!! Let's just hope I get in!!! :]

Peter and Mike are still here but Mike has to leave at the end of the month so then our house will be empty. Mike is currently practicing for the All-Star football game. The best players from each team in the surrounding area are selected by their coach and are put into 2 teams. Tomorrow these teams play. Mike has been having a blast and it is amazing to see that even though he was out his senior year of football his coach is still aware he is one of the best players on his team and in this area. He is amazing and I love him. (I'll update you on the game and hopefully put up pictures)

Oh yeah...speaking of Mike. He graduated from high school...WEIRD RIGHT!? I'm proud of him...

Well that is about it for my life...I have an appointment with my psychiatrist today so we'll see how that goes. Hopefully I'll get on meds that work better... Talk to you people soooooon!!!