Sunday, August 25, 2013

My Mind Is Racing In ... One Direction


I've never been one to be drawn to things that everyone is raving about. I never read Twilight or Hunger Games until I saw the movies (and then still not on the bandwagons. Okay maybe on the Hunger Games.) I never went crazy about Justin Bieber when he came out (Baby, baby, baby. Oh?). And now here we are at One Direction.

I've heard several of their songs on the radio. Love them. Know them by heart. But I wouldn't call myself a fan.

And then I saw the music video for "Best Song Ever". Oh. My. Gosh. Did you SEE them!?

I didn't realize until Friday that they were gorgeous. Like, man why didn't anyone tell me!?

So then of course I had to reflect back on the past three years of my life and figure out where I've been.

Three years ago I was in Provo, Utah at school. 19 years old. How old were the members of One Direction? 16, 17, 16, 16, and 18. Okay so not that big of a difference but at 19 years old and just coming home from an internship where I dated guys who were 23+ years old, they were YOUNG!

So I just brushed them off. And if you look back when they first started they all look like baby tods. They are cute but not hot. But now...

Man really...I could go on and on. I've gone back and watched several of their music videos and listened to their songs. I've even watched their X-Factor auditions. I mean...I can't get this guys off my mind.

So let's tally this up: They are hot, they can sing, they have accents, and there are five of them. Why would anyone hate them?! But really...

Personally I favor Liam but they are all awesome.

Seriously though...since I got it on Friday, I have listened to "Best Song Ever" 428 times (at 1400 it was 396...I listened to it 32 more times in six hours. And it continues to play as I write this...429) *side note: just listened to it another time...430*

My four year old niece watched the music video with me and when it finished she said "Again! Let's watch it again!" We're both hooked.

But really all hot guy jokes aside...this guys really can sing. That is the best thing about singers who make it off these reality tv shows. They can actually sing! Which is really refreshing when other pop artists are all synthesized and whatnot.

I'm a Directioner...who'd a thunk!? :]

By the way: I didn't know that One Direction fans were called Directioners. I was sitting thinking about what they would call themselves (you know Justin Bieber has his Bielibers...) and all that came to my mind was the Onesies. I mean, I like it. I wouldn't mind saying "I'm a Onesie!" But I like Directioner, too haha :] Maybe I can get Onesie to be a thing...

Friday, August 23, 2013

Hey Girl Hey

What's up!?

Well things lately have been good...ish.

I had to go to the doctor and get my meds fixed. They didn't seem to be working even though I'd been pretty stable on them for a while. Oh well...hopefully they will start to work again.

I have been hanging out with my dear friend Taylor Coles a lot lately. Man she really is one of my best friends. We have such a blast together and we are the same type of crazy haha

We decided that we are going to live together up at BYU-I Fall semester 2014. It will be her first semester and my last. Oh man we are going to have such a blast!!

Well speaking of friends...I have one friend who is being really weird towards me lately now that she is back in school. She is having a rough time at home and when I try and talk to her about it and help her, invite her over or to go somewhere to get her mind off everything, she tells me she is fine and can handle it. Or she will say things to me that really worry me about her safety and then just quit talking to me.

Well this happened the other day and it was really scaring me. But I figured she probably just needed time to herself to figure things out. Well my friend and I were driving in town and saw her meeting up with the kid I wrote about a couple posts ago. Same day she tells me she doesn't need anyone she just wants to be alone she does this.

I told her if she doesn't want to hang out with me she can just tell me...but I don't know.


I'm just going to not worry about it. What ever happens happens.

I'll just continue to have fun with T and life will be good. :]

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Short, Sweet, and Straight to the Point

Well peeps...

I went to an orthopedic surgeon the other day to figure out what is wrong with ... well everything.

Let me start over...

Last week, Tuesday I believe, I hurt my foot. BAD. I was in so much pain. I couldn't hardly walk and it was tingly/numb. Ugh it was terrible. So we went to the doctor and I was diagnosed with turf toe. That's right, TURF; like football turf. Yes I have an injury to usually only football players get...what?!?!

Also, for anyone who doesn't know I am just always in pain with my hips, knees, ankles, wrists, whole body just hurts.

Well the doctor informed me that I have chronic tendonitis. In order to fix this problem I am going to have to go to a physical therapist three times a week for six weeks. He will teach me exercises I can do that will strengthen my body and make the pain go away. And then, in order to remain pain free, I have to keep exercising.

What does this mean?

I won't be fat anymore! Yay!!

Ok not that I was that fat anyway but I am definitely self conscious about the way I look and I wish that I was skinnier. So now I am going to be!!!

Well yeah so that is about all the excitement in my life right now.

Thank you tendonitis :]

Monday, August 05, 2013

My Life Lately...Sucks

Well it's been a while. Sorry about that...

Since the last time I posted I have finished my third semester up at BYU-I (do) and have moved home. I got As and Bs so I'm pretty happy :]

Since moving home so much drama has happened in my  life. Oh. My. Gosh. That is one of the reasons I don't like living in a small town like Blackfoot. One person can start a bunch of crap and within hours everyone knows about it. It is so annoying.

Now this isn't the first time I've had drama in my life and rumors spread around about me. And I'm pretty sure it won't be the last. For some reason this crap flocks towards me. It is usually always because people are jealous of me (which I have no idea why they would be...)

Lately it has been because a boy from around here liked me and we hung out but it wasn't going anywhere. I told him things weren't going anywhere and we should stop hanging out because I didn't like him like he liked me. Well...that didn't work they way I had hoped. He kept texting me and calling me, which is fine but not at all hours of the night and day.

So I finally told him that I didn't want to hear from him anymore because he was getting clingy and it was starting to really creep me out. Well....that also didn't work out the way I had hoped. He didn't seem to get it that I didn't want to have anything to do with him.

He kept telling me that he liked me so much and cared so much about me and he didn't understand why...blah blah blah. So he kept trying to text me and talk to me but I was busy and had already told him to leave me alone so our conversations were very short and I tried so hard to make him realize that I didn't want to talk to him.

So if that wasn't annoying enough...he began to insult me. It first started right before I moved home and I had had it. I told him to never text me again and I was done with him. Yeah...once again he didn't seem to get it.

I just ignored him until I moved home and then I couldn't anymore. Why, you ask? Because he decided to start a rumor that I was hooking up with this kid (who just happens to be one of my little brother's friends and who just happens to be living at my house because he couldn't go home...long story).

For obvious reasons I was furious. I told him to stop talking about me and to me and to just leave me alone. Yet again he didn't get it. And then the insults got worse.

Well two weeks down the road to Friday things just kept getting worse.

I'm going to use B for the crazy kid and L for the one living at my house.

B invited L to come over for a movie and my mom was PISSED. She called L in from outside and started yelling at him about how he could do that after all had been done and said to me and about me. Well B just happened to be outside my house at this point and that is when I looked at L and said "How could you invite him over here? Really?"

L told B to leave and I went in and talked to L about the whole situation and why my mom was so upset. Well TWO hours after this went down I get a text from B that said "What was that? Are you trying to ruin all of my relationships starting with mine and L's?" Once again, for obvious reasons, I was furious. I hadn't done anything and here he was accusing me of something I hadn't done (this wasn't the first time he's done that either).

I wanted all of this to be over and L decided that B and I needed to sit down and talk it out face to face.

Well long story short we met up and "talked" (more like I asked him why he was doing all of this crap and he couldn't even talk because he had no reason). His excuse for all of this was that he was having a bad day (Every time he was an ass to me? Really?) That was what he stuck to up until L decided that he should put in his two cents and he said that I'm scary and people lose their train of thought around me because I scare them and they just say whatever comes in to their mind. That is what B started using as an excuse now.

Finally I just said "Whatever it's over I'm done with all of this. If you want to talk to me, whatever do it. I can't and don't do drama so whatever has to be done to end all of this I'll do it."

So there we are. You'd think after all of this he would begin to think it would be a good idea to leave me alone. Yeah, you'd be wrong. He texted me THE NEXT DAY asking how I was doing and how things were going and blah blah blah. Like nothing had ever happened. Ugh I was/am so annoyed.

I don't know why he doesn't get it...I've been telling him for MONTHS to leave me alone because he was getting clingy/creepy/rude/scary/etc and nothing happened.

I'm hoping that he'll get it soon because I'm not texting him back or calling or answering calls or anything. He just needs to leave me alone.

Anyone who knows me knows that I don't do drama. I don't have people in my life that start/are the cause of drama. It doesn't happen. Anyone who knows me also knows that I don't do clingy/controlling people.

I was in a terrible relationship for almost three years and that is exactly how it was. There is no way I am letting anyone do that to me ever again. I'm not going to allow someone in to my life who feels that treating ANYONE this way is acceptable. It isn't and it never will be.

Seriously though, if he doesn't start to leave me alone...I'm going to punch him straight in the face until he gets it.

On a happier note: MY SISTER AND NEPHEW WILL BE HERE ON SATURDAY!! Yes. My heart is so happy. Through all of the dark clouds created by others, my family shines through and brightens my life. <3>